Friday, March 30, 2012

Children and the Risk of High Blood Pressure

Were you aware that even very young children can be at risk of having high blood pressure? It's a scary thought, but it can happen. This will often happen to babies that have been born prematurely, or those that have a heart or kidney problem,, and if it happens to older children it will often be because there is some family history of high blood pressure.

We all know that there's a worldwide problem when it comes to childhood obesity, and this can also be a leading cause of high blood pressure in children. So what are some of the things you can do to stop this and other outside influences contributing to the ill health of your child?

One of the first things you should be doing is getting a regular check up for your child. This is a great way for monitoring changes as they happen and, if you're getting it done of a regular basis, you should be able to catch unwanted changes while they're still in the early stages.

Going back to obesity as a major cause of high blood pressure in children; what can you do about it? The two obvious things you can do to change this are making sure they get more exercise, and the second is to make sure they get less junk food.

Do you know just how much time your children spend in front of TV's, computer screens, or video games each day? Most parents think they have some idea, but are often shocked when they add up the actual amount of time the kid's are sitting around in front of one screen or another. Just imagine if they could swap as little as twenty minutes of that time for a bit of physical activity.

Are you starting to see how a remote control can be an aid to fitness? Think of something that you could do as a family each night that would involve some activity. It doesn't have to take a long time to do, the idea is just to get everyone moving enough to increase the heart rate a bit, and maybe even break out some sweat.

Next you need to have a look at diet. Children don't need to eat anywhere near as much as adults in order to get the number of calories they need each day, but people still feed their kids almost as much as they eat themselves. The formula is reasonably easy, if the kids are taking on more calories than their burning,female organ anatomy, they're going to put on weight, if they put on weight they run the risk of developing high blood pressure at a very young age.

It's fairly common knowledge that 99.9% of children don't like vegetables, so what can you do to change that? There are a couple of things that you can try, and they all include cunning and deception. Actually, they're all pretty much the same idea; give the kids vegetables but disguise them and don't tell them what they're eating, of course.

It's quite amazing what people are willing to eat when they don't know what it is. Try breaking the vegetables down and mixing them with something like mashed potatoes, in omelettes, or blended to make a smoothie. With the last one you can mix in a number of natural fruit juices to help to mask the taste, and they should be having fruit each day anyway.

If you're one of the three or four families in the world where exercise and diet aren't the problem, could it be stress related?

Children suffer from stress too,nude female anatomy study, but they deal with it in a different way to adults. If stress does seem to be the route of the high blood pressure then talk with your children and see what's causing them to be stressed out. Although stress is a problem at any age it's something that's often a lot easier to solve in the case of children.

Whatever method you need to try, just remember this: catching and curing the problem now is going to save a lot of health related problems in the future if your child was destined to have had high blood pressure.

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